A Call to all Manitoba Métis Citizens
March 18, 2021

A Call to all Manitoba Métis Citizens:
As you may have heard, the Métis National Council is holding a second Citizens Forum this coming weekend, March 20 and 21, which will be hosted virtually. This is a follow up to the successful meeting held last year in Saskatoon, which coincidentally was the last gathering the Métis Nation held before the pandemic. This year, it will be even more accessible to Métis Nation citizens as no travel is required.
We are a distinct Nation that finds our roots in what is now Western Canada. As Manitoba Métis, we know we belong to the Homeland, but those in Ontario are establishing new "Métis" communities far away from the true Métis Nation Homeland. While you have the option of attending the Forum as a listener, we urge all Citizens to participate, as this is one of the most important questions that the Métis Nation is facing in recent history.
Ontario is granting non-Métis our Métis Nation citizenship - this is Métis identity theft and threatens the very existence of our Métis Nation. It is critically important that you participate in this Forum to share your thoughts, ask questions, learn, and help guide the important decisions that must be made.
Please sign up here prior to the Forum, where further instructions will be provided so that you can view and participate from the comfort of your own home. We want everyone watching to know what Manitoba Métis think of our Identity, our Citizenship and our Homeland - every voice matters. Several experts will be leading the discussion, which will set a landmark for where we want to be as a Nation for many years to come.
If you have any questions or need assistance registering, please contact our Home Office at 204-586-8474.
President David Chartrand, LL.D. (hon), O.M.
Manitoba Metis Federation
Believe in Yourself; Believe in Métis.The Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) is the democratic self-governing political representative for the Métis Nation's Manitoba Métis Community. The Manitoba Métis Community is Canada's Partner in Confederation and the Founder of the Province of Manitoba.
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