Housing Survey

February 16, 2021

The Manitoba Metis Federation is conducting a Housing Needs Assessment to ensure that our housing programs meet the needs of our citizens and to your family.

As a citizen of the Métis Nation your input is important to us; your Manitoba Métis Government encourages citizens to complete this short five-to-ten-minute housing survey. These survey questions explore potential programming gaps for Métis housing and are meant to collect information to better understand the housing needs of Métis families and citizens.

Please provide only one response per household but include the requested information for each household member. Individual information will not be revealed. Your information will be kept private and will only be provided in a summary form.

By completing the survey as a MMF Citizen, you will be entered to win one of three - $200 Visa Gift Cards.
*Note only registered MMF Citizens are eligible for the prize

Click here to take the survey! : MMF Housing Needs Assessment Survey


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B300-150 Henry Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 0J7

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