IPCA Survey

April 19, 2021

The Manitoba Metis Federation Inc. (MMF) is currently in the process of creating two (2) Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) in the Kettle Hills Blueberry Patch which falls in the MMF's The Pas and Northwest Regions, and in between Caribou River Provincial Park to Wapusk National Park which falls within the MMF's Thompson Region.

The purpose of this survey is to:

  • Gain insight into relationship, governance and management structure
  • Identify what is a protection priority in the IPCA
  • What the MMF can do to care for the protected land
  • Define the boundary and specific features to be included in the protected area
  • Identify acceptable uses of the protected area

IPCAs are comprised of lands and waters in which Indigenous governments are the primary protectors, achieving conservation through Indigenous laws, governance and knowledge systems. They allow for Indigenous peoples to continue to apply traditional values and laws, practice culture and create local Indigenous economies to further benefit future generations.

On an international scale, IPCAs share three integral components:

  • They are Indigenous led
  • They represent long-term conservation commitments
  • They prioritize Indigenous rights and responsibilities

Major Motivations for creating and IPCA:

  • Protection from industry & other development
  • Preserving area for traditional land use and cultural practices
  • Protection of spiritual, cultural and historical sites
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Contributing to Canada's Target 1 Goals

What are "Canada's Target 1 Goals"?

  • Canada has set conservation & biodiversity goals
  • Protect at least 25% of terrestrial areas and inland waters, and 25% of marine and coastal areas
  • Canada has created a funding program to help achieve this goal
  • The MMF has received three years of funding to create two IPCAs

The creation of an IPCA will be built on Metis traditions, principles, rights, interests and practices and provide the opportunity for reconciliation between Indigenous and settler societies while allowing for the reconnection of all peoples to the lands and waters of our province and homeland.

So, with that being said, if you're interested in voicing your opinions, perspectives and enthusiasm in the creation of IPCAs please click the links provided for the respective areas below!

To fill out the Kettle Hills Blueberry Patch IPCA survey - click the link below:


To fill out the Caribou River Provincial Park to Wapusk National Park IPCA - click the link below:



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B300-150 Henry Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 0J7

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Métis Nation Database
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