MMF Celebrates Urban Beautification Program Launch with City of Selkirk & RM of West St. Paul

July 8, 2020

Winnipeg, MB - Yesterday, the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) flew its flag in West St. Paul and Selkirk, MB to celebrate the launch of this year's "It's My Community Too" (IMCT) project, an urban beautification and work experience program for Metis workers.

MMF President David Chartrand, West St. Paul Mayor Cheryl Christian, and City of Selkirk Mayor Larry Johannson, as well as crew members from this year's IMCT program, were all in attendance.

"On behalf of the Manitoba Metis Government, we are proud to partner with the City of Selkirk and the RM of West St. Paul for this year's program," said President Chartrand. "Together, both Selkirk and West St. Paul receive community beautification, our Metis Citizens find meaningful work and job training, and taxpayers save money."

As an employment readiness training program, IMCT combines classroom training, safety certification and hands-on work experience. Trainees earn a wage throughout the program and receive employment and training counselling and assistance in developing career goals and actions plans, job search strategies and referrals to other employment and training opportunities.

This year's crew consists of two crew leads and seven Youth trainees. The crew began on June 8, 2020 working on MMF-specific projects in Winnipeg and have now begun in Selkirk & West St. Paul. They will continue through to the end of September.

"We're excited to work alongside the Manitoba Metis Federation to provide training and work experience for young people who in turn help beautify our municipality," said Mayor Cheryl Christian. "It's a terrific program that benefits everyone involved."

IMCT was created in 2009, working with community organizations and residents with clean-up work and small building projects free of charge. IMCT has run every year during the summer months since 2009 with new crew members starting at each intake.


Believe in Yourself; Believe in Metis.

The Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) is the official democratic and self-governing political representative for the Metis Nation's Manitoba Metis Community. The Manitoba Metis are Canada's Negotiating Partner in Confederation and the Founders of the Province of Manitoba.

For media information, please contact:
Marci Riel
Manitoba Metis Federation
Cell: 204-619-1228


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