MMF Excluded from Pallister Government's Throne Speech

September 30, 2019

Winnipeg, MB - Today the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) is expressing disappointment and dismay with the release of the latest provincial throne speech.

"This speech was an opportunity for Pallister. This was his moment to embrace true reconciliation," said MMF President, David Chartrand. "Instead he has chosen to maintain his combative and exclusionary ways."

Today's throne speech makes no mention of working with the MMF or any other Indigenous peoples in the province. It also does not point towards reinstating agreements with the MMF, on resource-based projects like the Manitoba to Minnesota Transmission Project. (MMTP)

"Pallister could have done the right thing today and acknowledged the Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights of the Metis Nation, the Founders of Manitoba, and shown us that he hears our collective voice," said President Chartrand. "He could have made a commitment to work with all Indigenous peoples when it comes to projects that will benefit all Manitobans. Instead he continues to ignore us."

The MMF is once again asking the province to engage and properly consult and accommodate the Manitoba Metis Community, and particularly, to keep its word and its honour when it comes to accommodation and reconciliation agreements negotiated with the Crown, instead of turning to the courts.

"Pallister says he wants to move Manitoba forward with greater security, opportunity and prosperity," added President Chartrand. "By once again excluding the Metis and other Indigenous governments, he will do the exact opposite and cause unnecessary delays and added costs to the MMTP and other major projects. This will be to everyone's disadvantage."


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