MMF Launches New Entrepreneurship Initiative - Youth Entrepreneurship Program, Commercial Fishers Program and Small / Home Based Business Program

October 2, 2020

Winnipeg, MB - On Monday, Oct.5, the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) and the Louis Riel Capital Corporation (LRCC) will launch a new entrepreneurship initiative to support Métis Citizens.

The Youth Entrepreneurship Program, Commercial Fishers Program and Small / Home Based Business Program have been created to provide a comprehensive process by which our Métis Citizens can access the supports needed to make their small business ideas a reality. The goal of the initiative is to strengthen and build upon the long-standing tradition of Métis self-sufficiency and entrepreneurship and to further enhance a culture of entrepreneurship amongst Métis youth, Métis business owners and the Manitoba Métis Community at large.

"We, at LRCC, are very excited to be involved in delivering the MMF's new Entrepreneurship Initiative," said Leah LaPlante, LRCC Board of Directors Chairperson and MMF Minister of Natural Resources & Citizenship. "We have always known that there are many individuals and families who have great ideas for small business ventures and now they can make their dreams a reality. The Métis have always had that entrepreneurial spirit and it is going to be exciting to see what they build in the next two years with the help of their Métis Government."

The launch of these financing programs will further strengthen Métis economic development and Métis entrepreneurship through increased support for small business and new business start-ups.

This initiative will provide financial and training supports to young entrepreneurs ages 18-29, small home-based businesses and small commercial fishers through the three loan programs specific to the needs of the applicant.

The programs will provide a commercial loan of up to $25,000 for the Small / Home Based and Commercial Fishers and up to $20,000 for the Young Entrepreneurs while also providing a non-repayable grant up to 25% of the maximum loan amount. In addition to the commercial loans, applicants will also be able to access funding for training specific to their industry and related to enhancing the business acumen of the applicant.

The initiative will be a two-year pilot program to support the MMF's efforts in sustaining a long term economic development strategy at the micro level. The programs will be delivered by LRCC in partnership with the MMF's Metis Employment and Training department.


Believe in Yourself; Believe in Metis.

The Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) is the democratic self-governing political representative for the Métis Nation's Manitoba Métis Community. The Manitoba Métis Community is Canada's Partner in Confederation and the Founder of the Province of Manitoba.

For media information, please contact:
Marci Riel
Manitoba Metis Federation
Cell: 204-619-1228


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