Special statement by President Chartrand on International Women's Day

March 8, 2022

Winnipeg, MB, in the National Homeland of the Red River Métis - Today, the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF), as the National Government of the Red River Métis, also known as the Manitoba Métis, honours International Women's Day and celebrates the accomplishments and contributions of women to our society.

As an Indigenous Nation with a matriarchal foundation, I believe it is also important for Red River Métis Citizens to take a moment today to reflect on our Nation's history, and recognize the valuable contributions made by the women of our community, both past and present.

I am tremendously proud of the strong presence of women in our government today, with women making up half of our Cabinet and three-quarters of our employee base. Women have always been part of our governance structure at the MMF and will continue to be in the future. There is no question that we are made stronger and better by the valuable contributions of Red River Métis women to our government, our community and our Nation.

I would like to acknowledge the dedication of our affiliate, the Infinity Women Secretariat, including Spokeswoman Anita Campbell, the Board of Directors and staff as they continue to elevate and support the women of our Nation. The work done by the Secretariat ensures that the strength of the women in our past and present is also being fostered for the future.

International Women's Day gives us all the opportunity to reflect on the values we hold dear in Canada. We must recognize that there is still work to be done to create a society that holds all lives and all contributors in equal regard. Women, particularly Indigenous women, are still at risk of inequality, marginalization, violence and harm at a far greater rate than their male counterparts.

More must be done to ensure that all women, no matter their race, origin, religion or culture, have the safety and security we cherish.

On behalf of the Cabinet and staff of the MMF, and our Red River Métis Citizens, I wish all women of the world a happy International Women's Day. For those women who cannot celebrate today due to conflict, violence or oppression, we pray for a better and brighter future.


Believe in Yourself; Believe in Métis. 

The Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) is the democratic government for the Manitoba Métis, also known as the Red River Métis, the origin and core of the Métis Nation. The Manitoba Métis are Canada's Negotiating Partners in Confederation and the Founders of the Province of Manitoba.

For more information, media may contact:
Kat Patenaude
Media Relations Advisor
Manitoba Métis Federation


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