Red River Métis Veterans

Over the 20th century, Métis Veterans were never identified from their non-Métis brothers and sisters in arms. There were no opportunities to self-declare Red River Métis ethnicity upon enlistment in the Canadian Armed Forces; therefore, there are very few historical records of the contributions and sacrifices of our Red River Métis heroes. Even today, when Red River Métis Citizens enlist in the Canadian Armed Forces, they are only able to self-identify as Indigenous, not as Red River Métis.

To date, there have not been any studies or surveys conducted to identify the number of Red River Métis Veterans in Canada, let alone to determine what services would be most beneficial to this demographic. To gain an in-depth understanding of our Veterans' contributions and sacrifices to our country, the RRMVD has established a national archive of Red River Métis Veterans:

  • Document and archive our Red River Métis history;
  • Identify the needs of Veteran and their families;
  • Inform Veteran-serving organizations on best practices;
  • Establish strong relationships with our Veterans and their loved ones; and
  • Get our Citizens involved in community programming and events

To date, there have not been any studies or surveys conducted to identify the number of Red River Métis Veterans in Canada, let alone to determine what services would be most beneficial to this demographic. To gain an in-depth understanding of our Veterans' contributions and sacrifices to our country, the RRMVD has established a national archive of Red River Métis Veterans.

This archive will help identify our past and present Red River Métis Veterans, active service members, and allow us to establish collaborative relationships with them and their families. By preserving the stories of their contributions to the safety and security of our nation, we will be able to fill the gaps in Red River Métis history as part of Canadian history as a whole.

We are looking for Red River Métis Veterans/active service members, their spouses, and their children who would be willing to share their life stories and experiences. We direct those interested to complete our Do You Know a Métis Veteran Form or contact us at

B300-150 Henry Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 0J7

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Métis Nation Database
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