Métis Justice Institute

Minister: Julyda Lagimodiere

The Métis Justice Institute (MJI) of the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) was established in July 2003. The MJI is assigned the task of focusing responsibility and authority for justice issues within the MMF.

The mandate of the MJI is to develop and maintain a full range of justice services and programs that meet the expectations of the Métis Community in Manitoba. The MJI is guided by our Minister to establish working relationships and partnerships to provide support and advocacy to Métis Citizens in need of justice support by focusing on the following objectives:

  1. Reduce the number of Métis people involved in the Criminal Justice System;
  2. Prevent and reduce crime, as well as enhance the safety and well-being of Métis individuals and the Métis Community;
  3. Strengthen Métis families and the Métis Community to promote a strong Nation;
  4. Support the grassroots level where justice measures are developed and delivered by individuals who have a direct interest in the Métis Community; and
  5. Ensure that justice measures are culturally specific and incorporate Métis values, traditions and culture.

Citizens send any inquiries to:
Email: mjireception@mmf.mb.ca
Phone: 204-586-8474 Extension: 2014

Current Initiatives:

Since the inception of the MJI in 2003, the MJI has continued to lobby Manitoba and Canada to work towards the development of Métis Specific Justice Programs and Services. The MJI has utilized information obtained through Métis Community Consultations to focus efforts to develop Métis Community Justice Programming that will support Métis Citizens involved in the Criminal Justice System.

Current Initiatives for the Métis Justice Institute include:

  • The Métis Community Justice Program;
  • The Thompson Community Justice Program;
  • The Justice Support Program;
  • Justice Programming;
  • Domestic Violence Programming; and
  • Anger Management Programming.
  • Métis Community Inquiries; and
  • Policing.

Métis Community Justice Program

The Métis Community Justice Program (MCJP) is a Court Diversion Program that enhances the capacity of the Métis community to deliver culturally appropriate justice alternatives that support the diversion of Métis people from the mainstream justice system to a community-based alternative.

The MCJP focuses on providing culturally appropriate supports, alternatives, advocacy and resources to individuals that are referred to us as clients from the Crown or RCMP through a Restorative Justice Process. Our process focuses on building relationships within the community to repair the harm done by those individuals diverted to the program at a community level. The MCJP currently operates within the MMF Northwest, The Pas and Interlake Regions. If you would like further information regarding this program please contact our office or one of our Regional Staff Members located at the Regional Offices below:

Métis Community Justice Worker - Interlake Region
Manitoba Métis Federation - Métis Justice Institute
Rm: 27 150 Henry Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0J7
Switchboard: 204-586-8474 Ext 2741
Toll Free: (800) 665-8474
Fax: 204-956-0136

Métis Community Justice Worker - The Pas Region
456 Fischer Avenue
The Pas, Manitoba R9A 1M2
Switchboard: 204-623-5701
Fax: 204-623-2825

Métis Community Justice Worker - Northwest Region
40-1st Avenue N.W.
Dauphin, Manitoba R7N 1G7
Switchboard: 204-638-9485
Toll Free: (877) 542-4925
Fax: 204-638-3878

Thompson Community Justice Program

The Thompson Community Justice Program (TCJP) is a Court Diversion Program that enhances the capacity of the Métis community to deliver appropriate justice alternatives that support the diversion of the mainstream justice system to a community-based alternative.

The TCJP provides appropriate supports, alternatives, and advocacy and resources to individuals that are referred to us as clients from the Crown or RCMP through a Restorative Justice Process. Our process focuses on building relationships within the community to repair the harm done by those individuals diverted to the program at a community level.
The TCJP has staff located in The Thompson Regional Office. If you would like further information regarding this program please contact our office or one of our Regional Staff Members located at the Regional Office below:

Thompson Community Justice Worker - Thompson Region
171 Cree Road
Thompson, Manitoba R8N 0C2
Switchboard: 204-677-1430
Toll Free: (866) 677-1430
Fax: 204-677-2240

Justice Support Program (JSP)

The Justice Support Program (JSP) was developed by the Manitoba Métis Federation to focus on the delivery of an efficient and effective reintegration process for Métis people.

The goal of the JSP is to assist men and women in conflict with the justice system to reintegrate into the community. The program services Métis community members that have been remanded, have been released from provincial or federal correctional facilities or have received community dispositions.

The JSP assists individuals to identify and access resources to overcome barriers and address basic needs such as income, clothing, housing, health, family, etc. The program focuses on enhancing individual life skills to support individuals to become employment or education ready.

Métis Citizens who would like to seek support through the program can participate through the onsite Correctional Career Fairs offered within Manitoba Correctional Centres to speak with staff in person or contact our office by telephone.

Justice Support Program
Manitoba Métis Federation - Métis Justice Institute
Rm: 27 150 Henry Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0J7
Switchboard: 204-586-8474 Ext 2778
Toll Free: (800) 665-8474
Fax: 204-956-0136

Justice Programming

Domestic Violence Programming

The MJI has developed the Métis Justice Domestic Violence Program for individuals that require Programming as a part of their involvement with the criminal justice system.

Currently, The Program is utilized within the Regions as a part of The Manitoba Métis Federation's efforts to develop programming that is accessible for Métis Citizens in terms of location, access, and cost effectiveness.

The MJI does not receive funding to deliver this program, but provides access on an as needed basis to the Métis Community in order to meet the need identified by our Citizens.

Referrals for the Program are received through our Home Office in Winnipeg.

Anger Management Programming

The MJI has developed the Métis Justice Anger Management Program for individuals that require Programming as a part of their involvement with the criminal justice system.

Currently, The Program is utilized within the Regions as a part of The Manitoba Métis Federation's efforts to develop programming that is accessible for Métis Citizens in terms of location, access, and cost effectiveness.

The MJI does not receive funding to deliver this program but provides access on an as needed basis to the Métis Community in order to meet the need identified by our Citizens.

Referrals for the Program are received through our Home Office in Winnipeg.

Métis Community Inquiries

The MJI may be contacted from Métis Community Citizens to assist with support, advocacy and information regarding resources to help with specific justice issues.

The Métis Justice Institute welcomes Métis Community Inquires that seek out assistance with information regarding resources to help with justice issues and concerns. The MJI does not provide legal services or provide money to pay for these services, but will assist with resource information and paperwork completion to help deal with legal issues.

The MJI has a resource listing available for each Region that can assist in the areas of legal advice, legal aid referrals, record suspension (formally Pardons) information, policing issues, advocacy, addictions, housing, transportation, employment and training, Manitoba Public Insurance, Identification, individual support with probation orders, food and individual support.



The Manitoba Métis Federation has partnered with the RCMP with the Signing a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a cooperative process for the development of a long term relationship in regards to Policing.

The MOU focuses on the development of strategies and processes to enhance the Métis Community's relationship with Police by building mutual trust, enhancing public safety and preventing conflict in our communities.

In response the RCMP have assigned an RCMP Officer to work with the MMF to assist in enhancing Community Policing within our Regions. The RCMP Métis Community Liaison is located at the MMF Home Office and RCMP "D" Division. Assistance in regards to the following have been provided:

Program Partnerships within MMF Regions
Funding Applications
Assistance to Métis Citizens with Policing Issues
Assistance with Métis Citizens interested in a career with the RCMP
Community Presentations and Training

If you have inquiries regarding the above noted please contact The RCMP Métis Community Liaison at the information below:

The RCMP Métis Community Liaison can be contacted for policing inquiries at the following Manitoba RCMP email address: RCMP.DCAPP-DPPCA.GRC@rcmp-grc.gc.ca or by phone at Manitoba RCMP-Crime Prevention Indigenous Services phone number (204) 983-2777.

B300-150 Henry Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 0J7

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