Economic Development

Minister: President David Chartrand

Economic Development leads, coordinates, and supports economic development initiatives across the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF). The department works closely and collaboratively with MMF Policy, and all Departments and Affiliates to advance MMF economic development interests and to promote Red River Métis businesses and entrepreneurship.

The department emphasizes and supports Red River Métis economic participation in traditional economies, business development and growth, procurement, participation in major projects, business ventures and partnerships, international trade, lands and properties portfolio coordination, and other commercial interests.

The department supports Red River Métis participation and inclusion in all sectors of the economy and is proud to highlight Red River Métis-owned businesses within each. Tourism and hospitality businesses can be found highlighted below.

Tourism and Hospitality

Working with Red River Métis operators, outfitters, restaurant owners and others in the tourism and hospitality industry, the MMF proudly promotes and supports this important part of our economy.

Learn more.

B300-150 Henry Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 0J7

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