Property Management

Tenants Rights

As a tenant it is important that you know your rights. Please click here to learn more.

Tips for Maintaining Homes

Maintaining a home can be daunting and overwhelming at first. With the right amount of planning, you will find that it becomes much easier. Visit the following links for more information, and make sure to keep in mind that these lists are exhaustive and you may not need to complete the whole list.

Introduction to Property Management

In 2014, the Housing Department grew with the addition of Property Management into the portfolio, under the responsibility of Minister Will Goodon. For the commercial properties, a new division within the Louis Riel Capital Corporation (LRCC) was created to lead this important portfolio in partnership with the Housing Department for our Metis Government owned properties. The Property Management division maintains its due-diligence by confirming all revenues and expenses are collected and recorded, ensuring that all buildings meet provincial and municipal regulations, and that all repairs and financial obligations are estimated, performed, and paid in a timely manner. There are currently have seven (7) clients and property management services are provided to ten (10) properties across Manitoba and one (1) property in Ontario. The annual revenue for the properties totalled more than $3,000,000 annually with a total combined estimated market value of all properties totaling almost $32,000.000.

Residential Property Management

The MMF housing department has many different residential properties across Manitoba including in:

  • Dauphin: We own four affordable housing units, 3 of which are part of the original Affordable Housing Initiative and qualify for the rent to own program.
  • Eriksdale: Home to one affordable housing unit.
  • St. Laurent: Home to nine affordable seniors housing units. Currently researching the feasibility of additional builds in this community.
  • St. Eustache: has 3 affordable family units which are a part of the original Affordable Housing Initiative and qualify for the rent to own program.
  • Winnipeg: Three affordable family housing units have been completed and a six-plex is currently being constructed.
  • Powerview: has two affordable family units which are part of the original Affordable Housing Initiative and qualify for the rent to own program.
  • Selkirk: Home to two affordable family duplexes and is currently completing construction on 5 market rent family units
  • Brandon: has a triplex and 2 duplexes of affordable family units
  • Portage la Prairie: A family housing triplex and two seniors duplexes recently completed construction. Tenants are expected by the end of 2021.
  • The Pas: One affordable family duplex currently exists in the Pas, but we are looking to expand greatly.
  • Lundar: Recently acquired two 'turnkey' family units that will be available for tenants to rent sometime in the near future.
  • St. Ambroise: Currently constructing one affordable seniors duplex.
  • Binscarth: Currently building two affordable seniors duplexes.
  • St. Georges: We've acquired property and are in the process of developing construction plans.

We continue to expand the number of residential properties that we own, with our end goal being to close the housing gap that currently exists between Metis citizens and non-Indigenous Manitobans. In particular, we are looking to expand our affordable housing units throughout all regions in the coming fiscal year, with a focus on Northern housing as there is a major gap in the supply of good, safe and affordable housing in that area. The general cost of living is also higher in the North, which can make affording quality housing even more difficult. We are currently pursuing affordable housing projects in The Pas, and are also interested in building some seniors duplexes in Dauphin and a triplex in Swan River. We are also interested in purchasing more 'turnkey' properties so that we can offer affordable housing quicker than if we were to construct new projects ourselves.

B300-150 Henry Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 0J7

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